How tall is Jeremy Clarkson

June 2024 · 1 minute read
British TV Presenter known for the TV series Top Gear. He once described his height: "my height shot up from 6ft 5in" and in 2022 said "I'm 6ft 4in". How tall is Jeremy ClarksonPhoto by PR Photos I was fearful I was being lured into something which would set its stall out to fight something that doesn't even exist - heightism.
Yes, I'm 6 ft 5 in but some of my best friends are midgets. My girlfriend, for instance, is just one inch tall.
Neither of us has ever been abused, physically or verbally because of our height and neither of us has ever found it to be a particular problem. What, then, if there is no such thing as heightism, is the point of a Tall Person's Club?
How tall is Jeremy ClarksonJeremy & Eric Bana
Photo © / Keith Mayhew/Landmark Media
